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Crypto Pirates

Crypto Pirates Bounty

Symbol : PSTvalue : 1000000 PSTStart : May 7, 2022End : May 31, 2022




We are allocating 1000000 tokens $pst
- Bounty will run  4 week
- The token distribution process to participants (our supporters) will be arranged and carried out by the Crypto Pirates team.
- Does not send bounty issues and is strictly forbidden to send spam messages in telegram
- Participants who do not follow the rules of each campaign will not get stakes/reward
- If you have other questions, please join Crypto Pirates Telegram Bounty
- All participants must join Crypto Pirates Telegram Group
- Using multiple accounts, cheating, and spamming are not allowed. You will be disqualified from the bounty program immediately, and all your accounts will be banned permanently.
- We reserve the right to make changes on any terms if it’s reasonable to do so
- We reserve the right to remove a participant from the campaign for a valid reason.
- We reserve the right to suspend or have the allocation reduced on a certain bounty if we found it underperforming.
- We reserve the right to make adjustments and modifications to the rules if necessary
- By agreeing to this rule, you are subject to the existing rules

week 1 : 04/05 - 10/05
week 2 : 11/05 - 17/05
week 3 : 18/05 - 24/05
week 4 : 25/05 - 31/05

Proof of Authentication Post Format

Proof of Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Campaign Participated:
Wallet Address:

1. Read the Rules from the bounty thread carefully.
2. Please read the Disclaimer carefully.

- Have more than 500 followers: 1 stake/week
- Have more than 2500 followers: 2 stakes/week
- Have more than 5001 followers: 5 stakes/week
- Have more than 10,001 followers: 10 stakes/week

- Every participant must follow the Crypto Pirates twitter Page
- Twitter account must be original (90% in Twitter audit)
- Twitter account must have a minimum of 500 followers
- must join telegram if you don't join you will not receive stake
- You must make minimum of 5 retweets & 2 tweets per week. Mention Crypto Pirates Project, Be sure to include following hashtag  #GameFi #Crypto #BSC #BNBChain #Binance   #NFT #Metaverse #Cryptopirates #PST #P2EGame #game #cryptocurrecy #newgem
- Every retweet must be liked

Report Format:
You must post all your retweet links and tweets in the following format every week, otherwise your bet will not be rewarded:


Bitcointalk username:
Number spreadsheet :
Twitter Profile Link:

Week 1
Retweet Link 1
Retweet Link 2
Retweet Link 3
Retweet Link 4
Retweet Link 5

Week 1
Tweet Link 1
Tweet Link 2

Please make your report as a new post every week in the bounty thread, but do not update the old post.


use name : Crypto Pirates ( your username | Crypto Pirates )

- 1 stake/week

- use our avatar & add username on your telegram profile
- must join telegram & telegram chanel
- active talk and must write 5 positive reviews about Crypto Pirates in the group
- don't finish in one days. Minimum 5 days

Authentication Post:
Due to lots of spam, we would ask you to post some proof here.


Bitcointalk Username:
Number spreadsheet :
Link profile telegram :

Report Format:
You must post all your retweet links and tweets in the following format every week, otherwise your bet will not be rewarded:

Bitcointalk username:
Username Telegram :
Week 1
post Link 1
post Link 2
post Link 3
post Link 4
post Link 5


- 1 stake/week

- All participants must join the official channel
- must join  discord
- active talk and must write 5 positive reviews about Crypto Pirates in the group
- don't finish in one days. Minimum 5 days

Report Format:
You must post all your retweet links and tweets in the following format every week, otherwise your bet will not be rewarded:

Bitcointalk username:
Username Discord :
Week 1
post Link 1
post Link 2
post Link 3
post Link 4
post Link 5
Please make your report as a new post every week in the bounty thread, but do not update the old post.


- High quality: 3 stakes (High quality video and >3000 views)
- Good quality: 2 stakes (Good quality video and >2000 views )
- Average quality: 1 stake (Average quality video and >700 views)

For this task, bounty hunters will be rewarded for creating high-quality unique, interesting, and engaging videos about Crypto Pirates Project.

Some examples of potential topics:
Please go to the second post to read about potential topics.

- subscribe youtobe Crypto Pirates
- you must have at least 1000 subscribers
- The video description Be sure to include the following hashtags, or select some using a maximum of 6 tags  #GameFi #Crypto #BSC #BNBChain #Binance   #NFT #Metaverse #Cryptopirates #PST #P2EGame #game #cryptocurrecy #newgem
- Any language is accepted.
- Sound and video quality must be high, although webcam and smartphone videos are accepted.
- Content must be unique and original.
- The more views you accumulate, the more tokens you will be allotted.
- All views will be counted after the end of the campaign and will reward its creator accordingly.
- The video must be more than 1 min in length.
- No hate speech, racism, the religious or personal attack. The content must be respected and mannerful in all ways.
- every bounty hunter participant can write up to 2 Vidio.

Report Format:
You must post all your retweet links and tweets in the following format every week, otherwise your bet will not be rewarded:


Bitcointalk username:
Number spreadsheet :
Youtobe username:

Week 1
link to your vidio

Please make your report as a new post every week in the bounty thread, but do not update the old post.

- 100 to 500 Karma: 4 stakes per week
- 501 to 1000 Karma: 8 stakes per week
- 1001 to 2000 Karma: 8 stakes per week
- 5001+  Karma: 20 stakes per week

1. Your Reddit account must have at least 300 Karma to participate.
2. Must follow the Script network Reddit account:  Reddit Crypto Pirates
3. Make 2 posts, and 5 shares (Crosspost) per week about script network
4. Only 1 post, share, upvote, per day. Submit report weekly to receive stakes.
5. Upvote each post that you will share (scriptnetwork).
6. must join telegram and telegram chanel, if you don't join you will not receive stake
7. Post and share on these Subreddits and other related to crypto; r/Cryptopumping
 r/CryptoMoon r/AltcoinTrader r/cakedefi r/opensea r/BlockChain, r/Ethereum, r/EtherMining,  r/gpumining,  r/cryptomining,  r/EtherMining r/BlockChain, r/crypto_currency, r/CryptocurrencyICOs, r/Crypto_General, /r/cryptocurrencynewico, r/NewCryptoinfo, r/ICOAnalysis, r/ico, r/BitcoinAll, r/icocryptoo

Report Format:
You must post all your POST links and repost in the following format every week, otherwise your bet will not be rewarded:


Bitcointalk username:
Number spreadsheet :
Reddit Profile Link:
Week 1
post Link 1
post Link 2
post Link 3
post Link 4
post Link 5

Week 1
Post Link 1
Post Link 2
Please make your report as a new post every week in the bounty thread, but do not update the old post.

Don't forget to join our Telegram channel, follow us Facebook, LinkedinPinterest, and Twitter to receive new airdrops!

Related Bounty

Cryptoknowmics is the right site to visit and participate in airdrops to tap bounty. Cryptoknowmics is the best website that provides all the news about the latest airdrops and bounties. This online crypto guide will benefit its users in assisting bounty crypto hunters with all the essential data of famous ongoing bounties in a particular duration.

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